2nd Marine Logistics Group

2d MLG Logo

Chain of Command

Portrait of Brigadier General Maura M. Hennigan
Brigadier General Maura M. Hennigan
Commanding General, 2nd Marine Logistics Group

Brigadier General Hennigan was commissioned through Officer’s Candidate Course as a Second Lieutenant, June 1994 after graduating from Mary Washington College and studying abroad in 1993. Brigadier General Hennigan has had the honor of commanding at various levels. She served as a platoon commander, C Company with 3d Support Battalion, 3d Force Service Support Group and as Headquarters and Services Detachment Commander, with Marine Expeditionary Unit Service Support Group 31, III Marine Expeditionary Force; Headquarters and Service Company Commander with 2d Radio Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force; Commanding Officer, Marine Wing Support Squadron 372, 3d Marine Aircraft Wing; Commanding Officer Combat Logistics Regiment 3, 3d Marine Logistics Group; and Commanding General, Education Command and President, Marine Corps University.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Wesley O. Turner II
Sergeant Major Wesley O. Turner II
Sergeant Major, 2nd Marine Logistics Group

Sergeant Major Turner was born in Kansas City, Missouri. SgtMaj Turner enlisted in the Marine Corps in December of 1997 and completed his recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. Upon completion of initial training PFC Turner was assigned to the Motor Transport Operators Course at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri for primary MOS training as a 3531 Motor Transport Operator. PFC Turner reported for duty as a Motor Transport Operator to 7th Motor Transport Battalion Camp Pendleton, CA in May of 1998.

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Portrait of Command Master Chief Joseph L. Johnson
Command Master Chief Joseph L. Johnson
Command Master Chief, 2d Marine Logistics Group

Command Master Chief Johnson is a native of Fort Worth, Texas, who graduated from Everman High School in 1996. Master Chief Johnson attended Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, IL. After boot camp, he attended Basic Seamanship in Great Lakes, IL. Master Chief Johnson’s initial duty stations were the USS Gunston Hall (LSD-44) in Little Creek, VA; Construction Electrician “A” School in Wichita Falls, TX; Naval Mobile Construction Battalion SEVEN completing deployments to Puerto Rico, Honduras, and Okinawa; Naval Air Station Public Works Department in Sigonella, Sicily; Naval Construction Group TWO (formerly known as 20th Seabee Readiness Group) in Gulfport, MS.

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