Request Mast affords all Marines and Sailors the right to directly seek assistance from, or communicate grievances to a commander within their chain of command, normally in person, and the requirement that the commander consider the matter and personally respond to the Marine or Sailor requesting mast. The right of Request Mast is limited to seeking assistance or communicating grievances and does not extend to implementation of the requested resolution.
Any member who attempts to deprive a Marine of the right to Request Mast, through either acts of omission or commission, will be subject to punishment under the UCMJ.
Request Mast also provides commanders with firsthand knowledge of the morale and general welfare of the command.
Steps to submit a Request Mast:
2. Click Save on the top right corner (Save to desktop).
3. Open with Adobe Reader.
4. Fill out Part 1.
5. Print and put form in a sealed document envelope and non-permanently fasten page 2 to the front of the envelope.
6. Submit Request Mast Form in accordance with current Marine Corps Order. (LINK TO FORM)
Q: Are there times when Request Mast should not be used?
A: Marines and Sailors cannot use request mast for the following reasons:
a. As a means of attacking the proceedings, punishment, or findings and sentence resulting from a disciplinary action brought under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
b. To harass, avoid duty, or intentionally interfere with the commander's ability to carry out the functions and mission of the command.
2. Additionally, a commanding officer may deny a Request Mast application if there is another specific avenue of redress available to the member, such as:
a. Actions under the UCMJ.
b. Involuntary separation.
c. Complaints under Article 138 or 1150 investigation.
Q. Do I have to find some other solution first?
A. No. Request Mast is your right, and does not have to be proceeded with other forms of resolution. However, it is highly recommended you discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor and allow them the opportunity to address the matter. The Informal Resolution System is also highly recommended and might prove sufficient with immediate effects.
Q. What is the highest level I can submit my Request Mast?
A. The first Commanding General Officer within your chain of command. As they see fit, the first Commanding General within the chain of command can forward request mast applications through the command chain up to the commandant or the Navy secretary. But, instances of Request Mast applications being forwarded are rare.
Q. How much do I have to tell my supervisors about my complaint?
A. A Marine does not have to disclose the subject to anyone in the chain of command except to the commander with whom the Marine is requesting mast. However, commanders may designate a command reviewing authority who are authorized to review your request mast and make recommendations to the commander.
Q. What if my supervisors don’t support my request mast and don’t think I should request mast?
A. Any interference with a Marine’s right to request mast or any attempt of reprisal against a Marine who has requested mast is prohibited. Any attempted violation or solicitation of another to violate this directive subjects involved members to disciplinary action under Article 92 of the UCMJ.
Point of Contact for more information about Request Mast procedures is your 1stSgt/SgtMaj for enlisted or the XO for officers. You may also contact the 2d MLG Command Inspector General at (910) 451-1711.