2nd Marine Logistics Group

CLB 6 Logo
Combat Logistics Battalion 6


Combat Logistics Battalion 6 (CLB-6) will train, rapidly task organize, deploy, employ, fight and redeploy in order to provide logistics combat support to a Regimental Combat Team (RCT) and additional Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) maneuver elements in the RCT's battle space, beyond their organic capabilities, in order to enable continuity of operations. BPT assume the duties of the LCE for the ACM.


Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Sarah L. Murphy
Lieutenant Colonel Sarah L. Murphy
Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 6

Lieutenant Colonel Murphy is from Wheaton, Illinois. She graduated from the University of Virginia in 2005 and commissioned via the Officer Candidates Course in 2006. Following completion of The Basic School in 2007 she reported to Camp Johnson to attend the Logistics Officer Course, upon graduating she was assigned to Combat Logistics Battalion 7 (CLB-7), Twentynine Palms, California.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Tristan L. Curren
Sergeant Major Tristan L. Curren
Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Combat Logistics Battalion 6

Sergeant Major Curren was born in Washington and enlisted in the Marine Corps in July 2005. Upon completion of recruit training and his MOS school, he was assigned to Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 2 in Cherry Point, NC. During this time, he served as an individual augment to 2d Battalion, 3d Marine Regiment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. From September 2005 until March 2006, he served as an Intelligence Analyst at both the Battalion and the Company level in Haditha and Haqlaniyah, Iraq.

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Unit Mailing Address
Rank Last/First Name
Combat Logistics Battalion 6
PSC Box 20181
Camp Lejeune, N.C. 28542-0125
Unit Contacts
  • Officer of the Day: (843) 271-9994
  • DRC: (910) 451-0685
  • Chaplain: (910) 450-8400
  • Admin: (910) 450-6666
  • Supply: (910) 451-1931
  • S-6: (910) 450-6111
  • Help Desk: (910) 450-6104
  • H&S Co.: (910) 450-7203
  • MT Co.: (910) 451-5874