Sergeant Major, Combat Logistics Battalion 24
Sergeant Major Glenn R. Ray

SgtMaj Ray is a native of Michigan.  He graduated from Hart High School in June, then reported to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA in August, 2000. In November he was meritoriously promoted to PFC and graduated recruit training.  Upon graduating recruit training he attended Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton, CA.  He then attended Automotive Organizational Mechanic’s Course at Camp Johnson, NC and upon graduation received orders to 2D Maintenance Bn, Camp Lejeune, NC.

SgtMaj Ray reported to 2D Maintenance Bn in May 2001 to serve as a mechanic. During this time he was promoted to LCpl, and Cpl, and served in several billets, to include: mechanic, float NCO, WIR/IROAN NCO, floor chief, and RBE platoon sergeant. In March 2004 SgtMaj Ray was accepted for a lat move into the MOS 4133, and received permanent change of assignment orders to report to HQBn, MCB Camp Lejeune.

In April 2004, SgtMaj Ray was promoted to Sgt and began on the job training (OJT) on Camp Lejeune, Camp Geiger, New River Air Station, and Camp Devil Dog. In June 2004 he received his first assignment as exchange manager at the industrial area MCX aboard Camp Lejeune. In February of 2005 he deployed with II MEF to Iraq where he served as assistant Tactical Field Exchange (TFE) Manager, and Warfighter Express Service (WES) team leader on forward operating base (FOB) Duke, Najaf Iraq. He returned from deployment in September 2005 and assumed duties as the Brig exchange manager. In February 2006 he received orders to report to HQBn MCB Hawaii.

SgtMaj Ray reported to HQBn in March 2006 and assumed duties as department supervisor for the main exchange. In June 2006 he was augmented to I MEF and deployed with them in August to serve as a TFE assistant manager and WES team leader in Al Anbar Province. He returned in February 2007 and assumed duties as assistant exchange manager of the Marine Mart aboard MCB Hawaii.  In late 2007 he requested orders to serve as a Combat Instructor (CI) and received a school date for July 2008.

In July 2008, SgtMaj Ray attended Marine Combat Instructor’s Course (MCIC) at the School of Infantry West, Camp Pendleton, CA. Upon completion of MCIC, he reported to Fox Co. MCT Bn SOI (W) for service as a CI. On November 1, 2008 he was promoted to SSgt. During his time as a CI, SgtMaj Ray served in many billets, to include; squad instructor, platoon sergeant, platoon commander, primary instructor, instructor group section leader, and company gunnery sergeant. In May 2011 SgtMaj Ray received orders to report to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.

SgtMaj Ray reported for duty at MCAS Iwakuni in July 2011 to serve as exchange manager. In January 2012 he augmented to I MEF and deployed in March to Camp Leatherneck where he served as the WES team operations SNCOIC. He was promoted to GySgt in May 2012. He returned from Afghanistan in October 2012 and assumed duties as the deployment support chief for CLC-36, MCAS Iwakuni. In February 2014 he volunteered and received orders to serve as the company 1stSgt for H&S Co, CATC Camp Fuji.

SgtMaj Ray reported in August 2014 to H&HS, MCAS Beaufort, SC for duty as the MCCS Retail Operations SNCOIC. He held this billet until being selected to serve as SNCOIC of Corporal’s School in January 2015. SgtMaj Ray was frocked to 1stSgt in February 2016 and reported for duty as Company First Sergeant, Weapons Company, 3d Bn, 3d Marines in March 2016. He deployed with Weapons Company to Okinawa Japan as part of the Forward Deployed Force from June 2016 to December 2016, and then with H&S Company from December 2017 to June 2018. SgtMaj Ray reported to Camp Johnson in January 2019 for duty as the Logistics Operations School First Sergeant.

SgtMaj Ray was promoted to SgtMaj in March 2020, and was appointed as the Combat Logistics Battalion-24 Sergeant Major on April 15, 2020.

SgtMaj Ray is a distinguished graduate of Sergeant’s Course, Career Course, and Advanced Career Course. His is a graduate of the Marine Corps Senior Enlisted PME, and his personal awards include; Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (x4), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (x2), Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal (x6), and the Marine Combat Instructor Ribbon.