
Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 6
Lieutenant Colonel Emmaline J. Hill

Hailing from Healy, Alaska, Lieutenant Colonel Emmaline (Emmy) J. Hill (nee Venechuk) is a 2004 alumni of the University of Notre Dame, and commissioned via the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Program (Marine Option). Upon graduation from The Basic School and Logistics Operations School in 2006, she reported for her first tour of duty at Combat Logistics Regiment-15 aboard Camp Pendleton, CA, as the Assistant Operations Officer. 

LtCol Hill deployed in 2008 to Camp Al Taqaddum, Iraq as the Current Operations Officer for 1st Supply Battalion (-)REIN in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Upon redeployment, she assumed command of Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Maintenance Battalion. She then deployed in 2009 to Kuwait and Baghdad as a Supply & Distribution Specialist with CENTCOM J4 Deployment and Distribution Operation Center (CDDOC) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. In 2009, LtCol Hill reported to Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron 38 aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar as the Logistics Officer.

In 2011, she served as Staff Secretary at Marine Corps Base (MCB), Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan. In 2013 she was selected on the Commandant’s Career Level Education Board to attend the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, CA. She graduated from NPS in 2015 with a defense-focused Master of Business Administration degree in Material Logistics Support. Her utilization tour began in 2015 aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico at Combat Development and Integration (CD&I) Total Force Structure Division as the Logistics Capabilities Analyst. While there, she led a cross-functional effort within the DC I&L Enterprise Ground Equipment Management Working Group to correct major weapons system configuration and accountability in logistics data systems across service-level organizations.

In 2018, LtCol Hill served in Okinawa, Japan, as the Northeast Asia Logistics Plans Officer within the III Marine Expeditionary Force G4, coordinating tactical to strategic level sustainment planning in support of operation plans with joint, service, and bilateral partners. In 2019 she served as III MEF Staff Secretary in the Office of the Commanding General. In 2020, she served as the Combat Logistics Regiment 3 Executive Officer.

LtCol Hill reported to NPS in 2021 for service as Deputy, Marine Corps Senior Service Representative, providing the +250 resident Marine Warrior-Scholars with Fleet and HQMC research opportunities, and student body leadership.

In July 2022, she assumed command of Combat Logistics Battalion 6 aboard Camp Lejeune, NC.

LtCol Emmy Hill is a graduate of the Expeditionary Warfare School Distance Education Program, and the Naval War College Command and Staff Distance Program.