CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. -- CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - Marines with Bulk Fuel Company, 8th Engineer Support Battalion, participated in Amphibious Assault Fuel System training aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C., Jan 10 - 16, 2018.
Bulk Fuel Company simulated a large scale movement of fuel from a naval vessel to a storage container, ending at a distribution center where fuel would be disbursed to sustain combat forces.
The exercise was held to increase job proficiency by providing the opportunity to operate a system that distributes fuel to a desired location.
The Marines trained using water instead of fuel, which lowered the cost of the training exercise while ensuring the Marines got the training that they needed to remain proficient.
“A lot of the Marines out here are new to the fleet, so we thought it would be best to use water for this exercise,” said Gunnery Sgt. Christopher Gilchrist. “This way the Marines will get the training that is required of them.”
In total, Bulk Fuel Company transported 1.12 million gallons of water approximately 3 miles across the training area during the course of the exercise.
“This exercise is great because it helps the Marines understand the most effective way to utilize the gear,” said Cpl. Noah W. Murray, a Bulk Fuel Specialist with 2nd platoon.
There is a big difference between learning the job, and actually doing the job. According to Murray and this exercise highlighted the difference between the two also underlining that the freezing temperatures made a big difference in the way the gear performed.
“It’s one thing to learn you job at the school house, it’s another thing to go to the field and have to perform,” said Murray. “The freezing temperature only adds to the training; nobody wants to be outside when it’s this cold but since we are, we have to stick together to complete the mission.”
8th ESB provides general engineering support to Marine Expeditionary Forces encompassing mobility enhancement, including the employment of standard bridging, survivability, explosive ordnance disposal, the provision of tactical utilities support, production and storage of bulk water, and general supply support incident to the handling, storage and distribution of bulk fuel.
For more information on 8th ESB, visit their official page at
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