CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. -- Marines from Combat Logistics Battalion 2, 2nd Marines Logistics Group, participated in a field training exercise March 22-26, to prepare for their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.
The purpose of the training exercise was to ensure Marines could operate a combat operations center efficiently to help support infantry units on the battleground.
The Marines trained in various controlled environments, to simulate any situation possible while establishing an expeditionary base. The Marines worked together to build the facility from the ground up and established communications in order to replicate a fully operational headquarters hub.
“We are coming together as a unit and learning about each other,” said Maj. Edwin Norris, the battalion operations chief and officer-in-charge of the exercise. “These Marines are doing pre-deployment training to learn how to work together to guarantee the success of the mission.”
The exercise was geared towards junior Marines who have never deployed and was supervised by NCOs to ensure all Marines are trained for the upcoming deployment.
“Noncommissioned officers have played a big role during the exercise since [most of them] have already deployed,” said Master Sgt. Marla Edwards, the operations chief. “They acted as mentors and helped make sure the Marines were doing their job, knew the scenarios and what it takes to function in a deployed environment.”
The exercise was very valuable for the Marines of CLB-2, since they are training to support infantry units in situations such as convoy operations, Improvised Explosive Device strikes and vehicle repairs.
“The Marines currently operating the COC are preparing to run it in a real combat environment in Afghanistan,” said Sgt. Raymond Matson, an intelligence staff chief. “Each one of the Marines training in the COC is going to be part of the team.
“The logistics effort to put this site together showed them a very complete idea of how to operate collectively,” said Matson. “Obviously the biggest issue here is communication. We tell the Marines to ask themselves, ‘What do I know? Who needs to know it?’”
The Marines who participated in the training, brought their knowledge and own experience from each of their military occupational specialties, making the exercise more realistic and giving the other Marines an idea of what needs to happen in order to be successful for their future deployment.