Camp Lejeune, N.C. -- Sailors with 2nd Dental Battalion, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, conducted combat lifesaver and tactical casualty combat care training while integrating the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and patrolling exercises at the Goettge Memorial Field House training area aboard Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Sept. 18, 2015.
The exercise served to give the sailors a basic understanding of MCMAP and patrolling fundamentals while maintaining TCCC standards, and to align their training and readiness standards with those of 2nd MLG.
“A lot of our sailors are not tan belts or MCMAP certified,” said Petty Officer 2nd Class Holden Roberts, the 2nd Dental Bn. operations chief. “TCCC is just a refresher for the Corpsmen, but MCMAP and conducting patrols are new to these guys.”
Before the exercise began, the sailors warmed up by executing break falls and shoulder rolls while wearing flak jackets in a simulated sand pit. They then moved to the woods to start the rest of the exercise, said Roberts.
Two sailors played the role of casualties with simulated injuries. Two of the corpsmen were tasked with treating each victim according to their specific needs while the rest provided security to simulate a combat environment.
Moving deeper into the woods and practicing patrolling techniques, they crossed a small creek bed. The sailors split into two groups and spread out in two lines staying about 10-15 meters from one another to reduce the risk of mass casualties. The corpsmen then buddy carried and buddy dragged the selected victims to safety and assessed the situation once again.
After the TCCC portion of the training concluded, they moved into the final part of the training: MCMAP. They practiced gray belt martial arts techniques such as the basic wrist-lock take-down, the figure-four choke, and the hip throw.
After repeating each technique several times to instill the principles, the sailors began the last stretch of the training with buddy carries.
Captain Richard Bartol, a dental officer with the unit, said the sailors at 2nd Dental Bn. have the same mindset as 2nd MLG when they treat patients and ensure Marines ready to fight.
“Our Corpsmen are ready at any given time,” Bartol said. “When they go out to the field, they can be trusted to support each mission, no matter how tough.”