Applications for assignment to Marine Corps Family Housing (DD Form 1746) should be completed and mailed, or brought, to the Family Housing Office, Bldg. TT-43, Tarawa Terrace, NC 28543, as soon as a military sponsor knows of an upcoming move to this area, or within 30 working days of reporting for duty.
The Family Housing Office maintains 4,640 units aboard Camp Lejeune and neighboring New River, including 187 mobile home spaces. Many homes have been renovated, and renovations on other quarters are either in progress or scheduled. All quarters offer central air conditioning and heating.
Military sponsors must report to the Family Housing Office prior to renting, leasing or purchasing a home. In addition to information on government quarters, the Family Housing Office maintains listings of available off-base rentals and sales. The office also provides listings of public and private schools and local churches. A visit to the Family Housing Office could save you money.
Junior enlisted are eligible for two bedroom quarters in Midway Park or Tarawa Terrace and three bedroom quarters in Tarawa Terrace.
NCOs are eligible for one, two or three bedroom quarters in Tarawa Terrace, and four bedroom townhouses in Watkins Village.
SNCOs are eligible for three or four bedroom houses in Berkeley Manor or New River and four bedroom townhouses in Watkins Village.
Company grade and field grade officers are eligible for assignment to housing at Paradise Point or New River. Normally, senior field grade officers are assigned to Paradise Point.
Waiting times for assignment to government quarters may vary from one to 18 months. For additional information call (910) 450-1627 or write Family Housing Division, Bldg. TT-43, Tarawa Terrace, North Carolina 28543 or email the office at